Diverse by cultural origin, mingled by movement, unique by choices and personal trajectories. My work focuses on the discovery, analysis and understanding of the infinite facets of the human being. I investigate needs and motivations of his acts. I observe moves and obstacles in his social life. I experiment in order to know him with any strategy – being this ethnography, participatory photography, performance.
Then I act for other people’s and my survival as a mediator, a trickster, a storyteller: I display what had been and what might be our future mounting exhibitions, building photographic series, writing stories, performing plays. All this in relational form, as the way I express my work already be the community I yearn for.
Cultural anthropologist, visual arts practitioner, cultural activist. I hold a MA in Film History at the University of Turin, a MPhil in Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Padua and a PhD in Contemporary Anthropology at the University of Milan. Formerly lecturer of Anthropology of Performing Arts at the University of Macerata, Cultural Anthropology at the University of Venice and Trieste, and Documentary Film at Polytechnic of Turin.
My research interests focus on the relationships between art and anthropology practice; contemporary art related to cultural identity and diversity issues; relationship between places, identity and belonging; intercultural theatre (Identità in scena, 2008); uses of video by cultural minorities (Visioni del mondo, ed. 2004); media representation of multicultural society; ethnographic film and visual anthropology, I directed several videos such as Identità culturale (2003), AlmaTeatro (1999) and Berndt Museum of Anthropology (1999), and produced photographic series such as What Anthropology Means to Me (2016) and The Fool Was Playing, and I Was Still Able to Dance (2015).
I currently dropped off university career in search of freedom, more effective impact on culture and society (with original, unusual works and strategies), and personal satisfaction and fulfillment. I’m therefore currently leading researches on Identity, otherness and métissage in anthropological museums and art exhibitions, developing photographic projects (such as Staged Authenticity), publishing (Andare altrove, 2017) and performing as actress, lead workshops on varius topics and collective art initiatives, such as Ladri di bellezza.